The offices for Capital Finance are located in the Poplars Building. Parking on the street close to the campus is enforced by metered parking. Plan for time to find a parking space and know the rules before visiting our offices. More info (including rates) on downtown street parking can be found here.
Campus Parking
The parking lot on Dunn Street just East of the Poplars Building is permit parking but there are a few metered visitor parking spaces in the northwest corner of this lot. There are also a few metered parking spaces on Dunn Street.
More metered parking options can be found on the IU parking homepage.
The Poplars Parking Garage is located on 6th Street directly behind the Poplars Building. Effective 5/8/17, IU Parking has designated the Poplars Garage as employee only. Visitor permits are available for the Poplars Garage. Please email Office of the Treasurer 2 weeks in advance of visiting to obtain a visitor Parking Permit for the Poplars Garage.
Henderson Parking Garage is the next closest parking garage. You can find maps, addresses and rates of all IU parking garages as well as pay lots and metered parking options on the official IU parking homepage.